Release notes November 2021

This version is released on 24 November 2021 at 20:11 GMT+1

Changes for event organisers

Organise speed-dates via (hidden) scheduled meetings

In an extension to our networking features, you can now set up speed-dates between your participants. You can do this via the scheduled meetings component in the dashboard menu. A speed-date can be organised between two or more attendees. If you select ‘hide meeting in schedule’, then the meeting will only appear in the Thola calender of the attendees after it has started. This way your attendees don’t know beforehand with who they will have a speed-date, like in real-life. 

Read here how you can configure these speed-dates. 

Customize the timing and sound of your meeting reminder

By default we send out a reminder 5 minutes before the start of the scheduled meeting. From now on you can change that timing. Next to that we play by default a standard ‘ping’ sound when the reminder pops up. If you want to replace this ‘ping’ by a custom sound, you can upload your own media file. For example: you can let your host record short messages for in between these speed-dates. 

Read more about it here

Customize the notification sound of your announcements. 

Not only the sound of the meeting reminders, but also the sound of the announcements can be personalized. You can upload your own preferred media file. 

Read more about it here

Choose how many avatars you want to display 

By default we don’t display all avatars, but only 50% of them. In case you want to change it display more or less, you can now change the avatar fill percentage in the form editor of your room. Use a number between 0 and 1 to indicate the percentage. 0 = none and 1 = all of them. 

Tip: you can see how many avatar positions you have configured by scrolling down in the form editor to ‘room layout’. 

Visual improvement of the chat broadcast 

The chat broadcast feature can now be found under ‘announcements’ in the menu. This feature allows you as an event manager to send out a chat message from your account to all the users. 

Important: a chat broadcast can only be used when the ‘allow chat’ functionality under ‘general info & setting’ has been activated. 

In addition we added a lot of extra small changes and fixed some small issues

Book a private demo

Are you interested in getting to know Thola? Register here for a free one-to-one demonstration.

During this interactive demo we will give you a tour of the platform, showcase our features and give you some inspiration on how to use Thola for your hybrid or virtual events. Ofcourse we will also take time to answer any question you might have about the platform and its functionalities.